Hermitage, PA Address:

3150 Highland Road
Hermitage, PA 16148

Hubbard, OH Address:

603 West Liberty Street
Hubbard, OH 44425

Trigger Point Therapy in Hermitage, PA, and Hubbard, Ohio

We Use Trigger Point Therapy for Stubborn Muscle Knots

Brennan Chiropractic provides trigger point therapy in Hermitage, PA, and Hubbard, Ohio. Trigger point therapy is similar to myofascial release in that both therapies address stubborn muscle knots. The difference is that trigger point therapy applies pressure to specific muscle knots, while myofascial is used over a broad area. Trigger point therapy also involves Dr. Brennan applying a high pressure level to the muscle knot. Myofascial involves slower stretching and vigorous movement over large areas of tissue.

Call us today for trigger point therapy in our Hermitage office, (724) 347-2111, or our Hubbard office, (330) 534-4500. Walk-in appointments are available. Allow us to work on that stubborn muscle knot.

Muscles Tighten Up to Form a Muscle Knot

There are times when muscles tense and tighten up, forming a muscle knot, or myofascial trigger point. A trigger point refers to a particular muscle knot that is contracting. When a muscle knot contracts, it impedes normal muscle movement. Normal muscle movement involves contractions that pump blood through the capillaries, which bring in purified blood and remove toxins.

Trigger Points Choke Off the Flow of Purified Blood

A trigger point can block off or choke the flow of purified blood to the area. When muscles do not have oxygen from purified blood, they weaken. As a result, waste and toxins begin to increase in the muscles. Your body responds to this buildup of toxins by signaling a pain response to your brain. Trigger points can cause joint pain in the knees, shoulders, and wrist, back pain, and headaches.

Dr. Brennan Can Easily Locate Your Trigger Points

Dr. Brennan is experienced in easily locating trigger points in a patient’s body. He can perform trigger point therapy to reduce the discomfort that patients feel. When that happens, it has long-term benefits for our patients. Trigger point therapy involves Dr. Brennan doing deep tissue massage on the trigger points. He will use high pressure to relieve pain, using the pressure of his fingers to pick up muscle fibers in a pincer grip. Then he will apply pressure until the pain starts fading.

Age and Pain Level are Factors in the Length of Recovery

Our chiropractor will check with our patients to see how much pain they are in during the procedure. That way, he gets a good idea of their condition and whether the trigger point therapy is achieving success. How long will it take for the therapy to work? Everybody is different, so there is no specific recovery time. Age, pain levels, and how long the patient has been dealing with the condition factor into the recovery time. Your number of trigger points could also affect your improvement.

Contact us about receiving trigger point therapy in Hermitage, PA, and Hubbard, Ohio.

We Proudly Service These Areas

Mercer County, PA
West Middlesex

Trumbull County, OH